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Metallic |məˈtalik| of, relating to, or resembling metal or metals. The title says it all in this mettlesome production where the playground consists of anvils, propane tanks, thunder sheets, hubcap-o-phones and other objects that clank, rattle and roll. Originally Commissioned By Maconaquah H.S. — Matthew Carnagua, Director.
Class: Scholastic A Movement
Grade: Medium
Instrumentation: Full Ensemble Percussion
Duration: 4:25
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Metallic |məˈtalik| of, relating to, or resembling metal or metals.

The title says it all in this mettlesome production where the playground consists of anvils, propane tanks, thunder sheets, hubcap-o-phones and other objects that clank, rattle and roll.

Originally Commissioned By Maconaquah H.S. — Matthew Carnagua, Director.